1. If you are working, use work to be mindful. Make a big effort to focus outside your head on your environment, the people within it and the daily tasks
2. Take care of your diet. Use Glycemic Index science to steer away from refined carbs/sugar/fruit and get lots of protein, veggies and complex carbs. Don't neglect nourishing fats like olive/coconut/flaxseed oils - great brain food
3. Keep hydrated. It really helps. Dump the fizzy drinks/alcohol for a few weeks & treat your body. Drink lots of chamomile/liquorice/ginger tea - warming, calming & comforting for your tum and your mind
4. Take a look at your supplements. If you aren't getting enough daylight then Vit D might help. Also look at brain supplements such as phosphetidyl serine, etc. Omega's are excellent, as is Vit B & C. Get advice before adding these to your diet.
5. Get as much physical exercise as you can. Walk the dog, get to the gym, get gardening, take children to the park or just walk, full stop.
6. If you aren't working at the moment, have a daily plan. Don't cruise through the days. Make a list the night before of tasks, e.g, household bills, return Xmas presents, DIY, email friends, etc.
7. As above, keep to a daily structure. It's so tempting to stay in bed & avoid the day but set a time to get up! Stick to it as much as you can. Almost as important, set a time for going to bed, even if you don't sleep - read, do a crossword, but keep to a schedule. Your brain will thank you.
8. January can be the lowest month so reach out to friends, family. Email or social media as much as you can but better still, make a social date to see that film, visit the pub, get some supper together.
9. Join a class. Go on! Languages, music, art, even counselling. Find out local college discount rates.
10. Get in touch with your therapist. You may well need them now. If there is a waiting list, start the process now. If a private therapist and funds are tight after Xmas, let them know. Be honest and see what they can offer.
11. Re-read your old therapy notes, you will be surprised at what you may have forgotten.
12. Look our for our cost-effective specialty workshops starting in 2020. They focus on relationship, responsibility, religious and sexuality OCD. We will post dates on here and the website